Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tips for a Cosplay Contest

In the excitement for our cosplay contest, we are giving you a chance to Level Up your chances of winning!  So here are our tips for winning the cosplay contest!

1. Get the whole costume in your picture

When submitting your costume, be sure to send a picture showing off the whole beautiful costume!

2.  Focusing on details

Detail is incredibly important to a costume.  It shows you know the character inside and out and proves the passions and intricacy that went into making the costume.

3.  Posing

The right pose can gain you major points with the right judge.  Showing you don't just know what the character looks like, but also their personality!

4.  Props

Having the right props can show off a great dedication to the character as well as allowing you to have some other posing options that would benefit expressing the character more than you would've been able to otherwise.

5. Make the costume yourself

Cosplay is an art, so having someone who completely home made their costume shows a stronger dedication as well as a larger talent for the hobby!

Did you agree with our line up of tips?  Do you have some of your own?  Comment down bellow!  

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How to Make a Hogwarts Uniform

In the Harry Potter universe, there is few things as iconic as the Hogwarts uniform.  There are plenty of different costumes you can buy during halloween, but none of them look as great as we would like.  So we're going to tell you the best way we have found to create a Hogwarts uniform, to show your house pride!


Image result for white shirt with black pants

The first part of your costume is to grab a normal white button up shirt, black pants and black shoes.

Sweater vest/cardigan/sweater:

Image result for hogwarts uniform

Next is to figure out what version of the icon costume you wish to use.  There were multiple different versions of the uniform.  You could either use a sweater vest, sweater, or a cardigan.  The color of the sweater depends on your house.


Image result for hogwarts tie

After that we need to make your tie.  Take a colored tie and you can either duct tape the stripes, or paint them on with puffy paint.

Cloak or cape:

Image result for Hogwarts uniform

The last piece in your costume is to make your robe.  For this step, use this amazing tutorial we found by creator Natasha Rose: