Cesar Romero
Cesar Romero's Joker was very different from what we know the Joker as today. Not so much gritty or dangerous, but just enjoying the crazy and ridiculous chaos he causes. As well as the truly unnecessarily complicated traps he sets for the old Bat-Man.
Jack Nicholson
It was fun to watch Jack Nicholson play this very collected and manacle Joker. Scheming his way to the chaos he wishes to cause. Amazing and a beautiful portrayal that was just truly enjoyable.
Heath Ledger
Heath Ledgers portrayal showed us a Joker that we could frighteningly almost relate to. Placing the chaotic trickster into a more realistic world, it allowed us to see him as a normal person just gone mad. It was scary and truly brilliant. A performance worth remembering from a man to be remembered. (Rest in peace Heath Ledger)
Jaoquin Pheonix
Even though Jaoquin's portrayal of the role hasn't been released yet, us here at G3 are very optimistic to find out how it turns out. Watching the behind the scenes and set photos and just enjoying seeing where things are going. We can't wait to see how the crown prince of crime will be realized in next years film!
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